
Faith And Christian Living

The most important ministry of the church is sharing our faith in Jesus Christ.  The whole purpose of a local church is to win others to Christ, disciple them, and teach them to do the same.

Why do we do this? 

We believe what the Bible says: that all have sinned; that those who sin will be judged for those sins; that the penalty of sin is death; that all whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire;

That Jesus Christ was born of a virgin; that He is fully God and fully man; that He lived a sinless life; that He died on the cross, suffering and paying the penalty for our sins; that He arose from the dead on the third day; that He ascended into Heaven;

That all those who in saving faith call upon Him are saved from the penalty for their sins; that those who call upon Him are born again, that is, they are immediately born into the family of God;

That Heaven is the destination of all the saved, those who have received the free gift of salvation; that all who are saved should follow the Lord in Scriptural baptism; that all who are baptized should join with a local, Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church; that the conduct and lifestyle of the saved should reflect their status as children of God.

The College Lakes Challenger

The College Lakes Challenger is a weekly publication of College Lakes Baptist Church.  It has a main article from the Pastor, and often has news of the church in News Around College Lakes.  A wide variety of topics are covered in both the front-page article and shorter articles inside.

A subscription to the Challenger is essential if you want to keep up with what is going on around College Lakes Church, and provides food for thought and discussion throughout the week.  If you would like to subscribe to the Challenger, please fill out a visitor card when you attend one of our services.  There is no charge for subscriptions.