Statement Of Purpose
College Lakes Baptist Church is dedicated to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Statement of Purpose

College Lakes Baptist Church is dedicated to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Special Visitors

Everyone is welcome to a special Homecoming Service this Sunday the 13th with Rev. Ernie Mills Jr. of Durham Rescue Mission. There will be a meal to follow.

About College Lakes Baptist Church

College Lakes Baptist Church is dedicated to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

College Lakes Baptist Church is a local, independent, Bible-believing church.  We are dedicated to bringing glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

• Enjoy life to its fullest through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
• Build a solid marriage on sound principles
• Learn parenting skills which work
• Establish and maintain beneficial friendships
• Make sound, productive decisions
• Provide a forum for spiritual fulfillment
• Deal therapeutically with the death of a loved one
• Experience freedom from real guilt and false guilt
• Forgive those who do not deserve forgiveness
• Establish a mental, emotional, and spiritual stability to resist the fiercest tempest
• Recognize inborn abilities and exercise them in a fulfilling, wholesome way
• Understand why certain things are always right and some things are always wrong
• Develop holistically by recognizing the Maker’s purpose for everything
• Maintain soundness as fads and extremes disguise themselves as the solution for all ills
• Live successfully and die successfully

Special Services

  • Thanksgiving Week Service Tuesday, November 24th (11 AM Service)
  • Christmas Offering to the Lord December 6th (11 AM Service)
  • Christmas Program December 6th (5 PM Service)

Our Pastor: Pastor Sam Lanier

Service Times

Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Children’s Church: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Morning: 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Evening: 6:30 p.m.

Brief History

College Lakes Baptist Church was started in the living room of Reverend A. Frank Williamson in 1959. His desire in establishing a Bible-believing church was to emphasize three vital truths: Jesus willingly and substitutively died for each sin of each person; God has chosen to save each person who genuinely repents of sin and places saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; and God enables and allows each person to freely accept or reject the Savior.